Wednesday, October 1, 2008

"Let's go down to the Library....

...pickin' out a book, check it in, check it out!"

We love when Wednesday rolls around and we get to go to Story Time.

Mrs. Mann is so fun and Lucy learns tons from her.

Lucy wanted a picture in front of the Library but the sun was too bright.

Waiting patiently!

Today she learned all about Fireman & 911. Let's hope "911 talk" didn't stick! But I am pretty sure Emily is going to get the Police and Fireman showing up on her door step this week. {Carter dials 911 perfectly!} Lucy's piggy tails were making her hat this is how she sat the rest of the time.



Lucy is so cute!

Alesha said...

Story Time at the Library... I remember those days!

stefanie said...

So cute! Look at what a good mom you are, we've never been to the library out here! Shhh, don't tell!

Shenise said...

We need to come to story time!