Friday, February 29, 2008


Last night Eric's brother Jared and his family came over for dinner. I had been telling Lucy all day that I would take her to see the ducks. So we all decided to head over to St. George Golf Course to give the ducks some dinner. We pull up and before we could even get out of our car there was, no joke, about 150 ducks heading straight for the car. I don't know if most of them were migrating or if they really belong there. We had a lot of fun but as never have enough bread! Lucy loves playing with her cousins Zoe and Zack, and talks about them for days after seeing them.

My Domestic Goddess!

Lucy found these velcro rollers in her bathroom and decided she had to have them in her hair. She loved wearing them around the house for the day and was so careful not to bump them on anything. Eric put this mirror up in her room and she loves to dance, sing and look at her hair in it. Lucy also without fail turns around to check out her bum! What a girl, she is learning early...

Cooking & cleaning while her hair is setting...what a domestic goddess, or should I say DIVA. She will only smile for the camera once, and after that there is no pictures to be taken(as you can see).

Monday, February 11, 2008

Potty Training!

So...yesterday I was changing Lucy's diaper after she woke up and she wanted to go sit on her potty. As always she went in and sat there for awhile...what came next was a huge suprize! Lucy actually left a little something in the potty...number 1, not 2. What was I to do? I couldn't just put a diaper back on her and tell her good job, so I decided to get her big girl panties out. I was totally not expecting to get into potty training this week, but here we go! She has done awesome, but I am having second thoughts. This is going to be alot more work than the diaper thing! I had to take these pictures of her cute little bum without the bulky diaper.

Hula Hula

My Mom and Dad got this little Hula outfit for Lucy about a year ago. She has really enjoyed it lately. Grandma Jeanne came over one day and
Lucy was dressed up in it so she taught her how to Hula Dance. It is so funny! Do you like how Lucy is taking my picture as I take hers?