Monday, December 22, 2008

A blast from the past!

Friday night Eric and I hosted an "Ugly Sweater Party." We had so much fun catching up with everyone. Now that we all have kids, it is a rare occasion to get together. Our camera is out of order so I didn't get to take picture of all the couples. We laughed and shared some good stories, both old and new. When Adam is at the party...there is never a dull moment.
{Thanks Lacey and Emily for the pics!}

While I was preparing the food and house for the big party, my Mom and Dad took Lucy for the day and a sleepover. I had been so sad because we missed Father Christmas at the Dicken's Festival this year. I got word from Cari that he was going to be at the bank that night and I was so excited. As soon as I told Lucy she said..."I don' t want to sit on Santa's Lap."

Mom and Dad said she wasn't so sure she wanted it to be her turn. Lucy turned and walked toward Santa, jumped up on his lap and although it looks like she is smiling....under that smile is crying. Lucy got everyone laughing...including Santa!

Good news...Santa got her letter...we hope he makes it to our house.


Emily said...

Shanel your party was awesome. I can't believe how much work you did. THANKS for LETTING us come.

Cardwell said...

Is that the Christmas party theme of the year? I swear everyone is doing Ugly Sweater parties! Looks like a fun group!

BTW - Mom said she loved the box of bark and peaches. So funny that that is what she got for Christmas this year. It gets better and better every year! :)

Merry Christmas, guys!

Jami Hansen said...

I love your sweaters. Can Dan & I borrow your sweaters? I need something to wear tommorrow..I love that Santa..Really cute picture of Lucy & Santa.. That is a good snowman.. You guys have a Merry Christmas! We will see you tommorrow..