Friday, May 23, 2008

{aNiMAl HuNGry}

Yes, that's right...{aNiMAl HuNGry}! Lucy talks about animals 90 % of her day. Whenever we leave our house or return she says "HI HORSES" or "GOODNIGHT HORSES." And if I happen to take a different route home...she cries as we are pulling into the garage.
So as we were strollin' down the produce isle at the store yesterday Lucy spotted the {CaRroTS}. We had to get them, and then she thought we were going to drive up to Grandpa & Nana's house to feed the horses. Eric and I decided to take the less expensive drive and find horses in Washington fields. On our way home we ran into Wes and Talia. They invited us in to see what Wes' mom had in her backyard...............a {PoNy} & {GOaT} & {baby BiRds}! What else could Lucy ask for. We heard about it all night long. Then there is {SuKi} my mom's cat....lets not get into that one.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

{FoUR GeNEraTIOns}

The two {LOVES} of my life!

We started our day with breakfast at
{Grandma Hansen's.}
It was a beautiful morning eating outside enjoying each others company.

Off to New Harmony to visit
{Nana} &"Grandpa with a beard"

Lucy talks about horses {ALL} the time. She loves to go up to their house to see the animals.

Lucy has found the camera!

Dad, with a little help from Eric, made a delish dinner.
Do you see where Lucy gets her smiles from?

Lucy helped Grandma Shirley open every present. She has started gasping for air saying... "Oh my gosh!"
{you should hear her in the toy section in any given store!}

Here we are! {FoUR GeNEraTIOns} I am blessed daily to have such a wonderful {MoTheR}, {GrANDmoTHEr} and {DaUGhteR}!
Thanks for the wonderful day! Until next time....

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Cutler's Birthday Fun!

Lucy giving Cutler his Birthday hugs & kisses. My mom always tells me I need to adopt a older brother for Lucy because she adores her cousins.
Is this not the perfect IN-N-OUT picture! We had to get our weekly fix.
After dinner Cutler wanted to go to {Jumpin Jacks}. Why didn't I think of this idea. It is so fun and the kids can run wild! Not to mention a great workout. Lucy isn't too daring so Eric had to tote her around each jump house.
As you can see...{THEY} had a blast.
Here we are with out fake smiles on! {CHEEEESE} I had to laugh.
Thanks Cutler for letting us party with you on your big day!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Aloha, Kauai!

Mom and Dad usually take us to Newport Beach, but this year they surprised us with Kauai. It was so beautiful and of course the weather was great. Our resort was right on the beach and you can see the view from our room. Lucy takes after me when it comes to sand. I love the beach but hate salt water, and sand in my bathing suit! So as you can see we hung out at the pool most of the time. It was perfect, the pools overlooked the beach so it felt like we were right there. We got home and I honestly don't know why we live where we do. Lucy's chronic runny nose went away and her eczema was nowhere to be found. Of course within 24 hours of touching down to reality both were back! The week went by way too fast. Thanks Mom, Dad & Granny for the wonderful trip.