Look who turned
Since Lucy’s Circus party was going to get rained out we had to move it to Monday. So on her Birthday we took her to In-N-Out for lunch and she wanted to go to IFA to see the baby chicks and bunnies. I was so sick and didn’t feel good so I was glad the big party was postponed.
Shenise and Lane were in town but Lane was sick the night before so they stayed home so he wouldn’t spread the germs.
Lucy wanted to go to Pizza Factory to get her special pizza. Blowing out all
{4} candles Ma & Pa came through with a wiggle car. As soon as Pa brought it in from the car she ran to it and knew exactly what to do. Not sure how, but kids just know.
Taking Corbin for a ride...whoa?
Lucy always comes up with the greatest birthday wishes for presents. This year she asked for
- a baby elephant
- whoopee cushion
- yo yo
We were able to pull everything off except the baby elephant. We dont have the room for a giant in our house. Maybe next year.
I really cannot believe our little girl is four. She is so special and makes us laugh and cry everyday. Lucy is like a sponge. She soaks up everything that is being said around her. Her vocabulary is wide and doesnt miss a beat. Lucy is a great big sister to Corbin and helps out a lot. She recently just found out she can wipe her big bummy all by herself...pretty exciting. She loves to help Dad in the yard or on the truck. Eric constantly has a shadow from the time he wakes up to the time he goes to bed. I wish I could slow time…its going too fast.
Out of the mouth of Lucy:
“mom, lets head out
lance and dance rhyme
I know everything that is why Jesus loves me
cousin tess was sick at grandmas so the next time we walked in grandmas she peeked around the door and said
hey grandma, we are Tess’s germs?
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