Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Lucy and Eric woke me up to the smell of a great breakfast. It is always wonderful seeing your child get so excited over a day dedicated to you.
Eric started a tradition 3 years ago on my first Mother's Day. Instead of getting flowers that die after a couple of days, he gets me flowers for the yard. So the week of Mother's Day, I usually have beautiful blooming flowers that remind me of the past years. The first year he got me bright orange lillies (which this year the squirrel enjoyed every bloom before they opened), the second year I picked out 3 rose topiaries...
and this year he filled my flower box full of potato vine and rapid wave petunias.
This picture was taken in the 108 degree heat, but they have been so beautiful for the past 2 months.
After doing our usual holiday visits to the Grandma's we attended church. Eric and I decided we would host Mother's Day dinner for our Mothers and Grandmother. Eric thought since the Mom's enjoy crab so much...that is what was going to be on the menu. Everyone brought something and made it easy on me. I am pretty sure he thought of his own enjoyment as well! The table did look elegant and pretty, but I didn't get a picture of it.
Well, here it is...the one and only picture taken!
It was a very enjoyable day, and I am so glad I have the opportunity to be a Mother and to have such great Mothers in my life.

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