Sunday, April 12, 2009


I am pretty sure Eric was more excited for {Easter} morning then a young child. He was up at 7:00am just waiting for Lucy to wake up. He woke me up in the rustle of things. Finally around 7:30 we decided to wake Lucy up. She was so excited and could not believe the {Easter Bunny} could jump so high to put {Jelly Beans} and {eggs} on top of the TV. Lucy got the biggest kick out of it.

Lucy was very particulair in collecting all the candy and eggs. The plastic eggs were cracked and dumped into a ZipLoc bag, jelly beans and other candy also got added to the bag and the Dyed Eggs were to go back into the egg carton.

We then got ready, with rollers and all...

and headed to Grandma Hansen's...
for an Easter breakfast with the family.

Back home to get ready for church. Lucy was so excited to wear her
"Easter Polka Dot Dress"...but......
she would not let me take a decent picture of her. I had to beg her with her own candy and still didn't get a good one.

After Sacrament Eric and Lucy headed up to Grandpa & Nana Hansen's house. We haven't sent Lucy to Nursery for a couple months because she comes home sick every week. I had to stay for Young Women's. She loves to go to their house. Eric forgot to snap some photos...typical guy!

Finally, we meet up at Grandma Shirley's for Easter Dinner. With Lucy hanging on for dear life... we got somewhat of a smile out of her for a family picture.

And with a couple more jelly beans in hand we were able to snap the final photo of the day. Lucy is not dumb...she knows how to get things!

We had a beautiful day and it was good to be with our families. We were soooo tired and glad to be back home after another long holiday.


Cardwell said...

You got some adorable pics! I love the closeup of Lucy with curlers and her twirling in her dress! I'm glad we got to spend Easter with you guys!

Sherrie said...

Very cute pictures once again. My camera really is bad after looking at the clarity of your pictures. You can just be the "picture taker" and I'll just steel them from you and put them in my computer. Can I do that, like I do on google?

Shenise said...

Little Luc darling Easter dress and hair! The curlers really did their job. Perfect ringlets!

Alesha said...

Lucy's Easter dress is adorable! All pics are so cute, but love your family pic!