Thursday, April 23, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Let's go fly a {KiTe}
This will be a yearly event for our little family. We had a lot of fun.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
I am pretty sure Eric was more excited for {Easter} morning then a young child. He was up at 7:00am just waiting for Lucy to wake up. He woke me up in the rustle of things. Finally around 7:30 we decided to wake Lucy up. She was so excited and could not believe the {Easter Bunny} could jump so high to put {Jelly Beans} and {eggs} on top of the TV. Lucy got the biggest kick out of it.
After Sacrament Eric and Lucy headed up to Grandpa & Nana Hansen's house. We haven't sent Lucy to Nursery for a couple months because she comes home sick every week. I had to stay for Young Women's. She loves to go to their house. Eric forgot to snap some photos...typical guy!
Finally, we meet up at Grandma Shirley's for Easter Dinner. With Lucy hanging on for dear life... we got somewhat of a smile out of her for a family picture.
And with a couple more jelly beans in hand we were able to snap the final photo of the day. Lucy is not dumb...she knows how to get things!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
This was the scene the day before Easter!
Last minute I called my Mom and Dad to see if they wanted to join Lucy and I for Breakfast and an Egg Hunt at Bloomington Park. Eric had to work and was sad he missed the event. Once we arrived at the park it started to rain. We had no umbrellas, and we really weren't dressed for the weather. I headed through the food line with two plates in my for me and one for Lucy! As I opened my mouth to tell my Mom to be careful the sidewalk was extremely slippery...eggs went flying, legs went separate ways and the eggs landed on my head. I managed not to hit the ground. It was just a slip...not a fall! A few good laughs later the hunt began.
I was a bit worried that Lucy would end up with nothing in her basket like the night before at the DSC Egg Hunt. She ran soooo fast, and stopped at every egg, but forgot to pick them up. I think she learned her lesson. Lucy made out like a bandit...her basket was full!
That evening we were invited over to Mom & Dad's for dinner & Egg Dying! We walked in the door and found their house covered in a string maze. Lucy was to follow each string to find the egg at the end of it. She had so much fun and walked away with more candy, some coins and even some dollar bills!
There was no stopping Lucy once she started dying eggs. We had 3 dozen eggs and she probably did 2 dozen.
Most of her eggs turned brown due to over coloring, but Lucy did an awesome job.
We sure hope the Easter Bunny still comes tomorrow...he might not once he finds out how much candy Lucy already has!