Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The after Christmas crew all made it down from up north.  It has been non-stop eating, playing, laughing since before Christmas.  Why stop now…so we headed over to the Dixie Igloo. 

Eric didn’t realize what he was going to be in for!



Lucy was a great sport as long as she was in the middle of her Dad’s legs.  Eric was bent over the entire time.  He is the best Dad and will do anything to make sure Lucy has a fun time.   P1040461

Uncle Jen {as Lucy calls her} showed all the girls how to really ice skate.

Twists and turns, double axels and all!P1040472



Me and the other hand pushed Mr Corbin around and around to keep him happy.  I was not complaining…I am no good on those things.  My skates were too big

and didn’t realize the problem until it was too late.

                                        Oh well, it was so much fun.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010