Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The after Christmas crew all made it down from up north.  It has been non-stop eating, playing, laughing since before Christmas.  Why stop now…so we headed over to the Dixie Igloo. 

Eric didn’t realize what he was going to be in for!



Lucy was a great sport as long as she was in the middle of her Dad’s legs.  Eric was bent over the entire time.  He is the best Dad and will do anything to make sure Lucy has a fun time.   P1040461

Uncle Jen {as Lucy calls her} showed all the girls how to really ice skate.

Twists and turns, double axels and all!P1040472



Me and the other hand pushed Mr Corbin around and around to keep him happy.  I was not complaining…I am no good on those things.  My skates were too big

and didn’t realize the problem until it was too late.

                                        Oh well, it was so much fun.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sunday, October 31, 2010

We had a



this year.

It was full of...


Trunk or Treating with Grandpa

{Grandma was already up North}


Carving Pumpkins,



dressing up like Princess Leha



Obi Wan Kanobi


P1040231along with a

Jeddi {played by Lane}


and a Movie Star {played by Rylee},

a Witch {Played by Tess},

a Flower {Played by Libby}

and a

Mad Scientist {Played by Mitchell}.

We had to bundle up P1040236to go



because it was wet and so cold.

Reggie and Wendy’s neighbors handed out some huge candy bars...I think Lucy {and Dad} were very excited!

Until next Fright Night..

Saturday, October 30, 2010

We were up in Lehi for Halloween so I thought I would get hair appointments for the kiddos at Cookie Cutters.

Especially because it was

Corbin’s 1st Hair Cut.

So fun right!?!


Ready, steady…GO


I was so relieved that Corbin wasn’t going to freak out.

Well lets just say that lasted all of one pass with the clippers.


And Corbin’s first hair cut turned into an official wrestling match!


The American Idol hair cutter dude didn’t have to spray corbin’s hair with water to finish it off with the scissors…

oh yeah that is sweat!


Besides the huge gouge off of his natural hairline on his neck, it turned out pretty cute.


And then there is Lucy.

What a babe! P1040194She of course picked the PINK car and a Barbie Princess movie to watch. 

Actually this is only Lucy’s 2nd hair cut! {I trim her bangs}

P1040201I am so sad I didn’t get a finished picture of her hair.  She got a special twist and Fairy Glitter on the top.


So glad that is


Friday, October 22, 2010

I’m Free!

P1040159So excited to be turned around. Every time someone would tell Corbin that his Birthday was coming up, Lucy would always add…

”and he gets to turn around!”

P1040161Well this lasted about a week and then I turned him facing backwards because he slept better that way. Mean mom, I know.


Cutest boy ever!

Staheli Farm fieldtrip


Lucy’s preschool had an “adventure”

{as Lucy calls it} to the Farm. 

Kelly was in town for clinicals so I took Zoe and Makenzie along with us.


We saw lots of fun animals like goats, sheep, cows, llamas, a loud donkey, turkeys, chickens and of course…a horse!



This donkey loved Lucy. She even gave Lucy a surprise kiss when she wasn’t looking!

P1040128 P1040131

Next was the hayride out to the Pumpkin Patch!


Zoe, Kenzie, Lucy, Makenna, Grace & Natalie


The rain came so we were out of there.

Here is the whole Crazy gang of

Little Explores Preschool


Another fun day in the

life of a 4 year old!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Each year Mom and Dad invite us over for the Kentucky Derby.P1030414

That's right, the Derby! We love it.  The women wear their fanciest hats and chat, the men read up on the odds of each horse all while Dad passes out his famous Mint Juleps {virgin of course}. We all write our pick on the whiteboard {as seen in the photo} so there is no confusion when the winner crosses that finish line.  As for me, I just read the names of the horses and pick the best named horse.

Lucy really got into the race this year.  I let her wear my one and only derby hat…dollar store derby hat! P1030417  P1030416 And the winner is…  P1030426

not really, but Grandma made sure Lucy got a trophy too!

Friday, April 30, 2010


P1030383 all by myself.

I feel like everyday Corbin learns a new trick. Oh how time flies when you are having fun. This little boy is so fun and growing up so fast.

P1030385 If you know Eric...you know he has a hidden talent of interlocking his toes with each other. From the day Corbin was born we knew he had Eric's feet, along with his talents. What a lucky boy.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

 DSC_0272They are cousins. 


Born 9.1.2009


Born 10.22.2009


Therefore…they are 7

weeks apart

and they LOVE


posing for whoever

wants to take their



The only thing I can think



If they are anything like

their Daddies!

     {because their Mommies were Angels}