Friday, October 31, 2008

We Voted!
and so did Lucy!
Wednesday at storytime Lucy learned about voting. They voted on if they liked a ruler or a clip. Ms Mann then displayed pictures of our Presidental Canidates. All the mothers in the room sighed and under their breath said, "this should be interesting." The children were given ballots, and told to check which man they wanted. This was very hard for me to let her FAIL and pick the wrong guy! But I did it...she checked the one I didn't want her to and handed in her vote. She got a sticker and we were off.

As the days get closer to Tuesday my stomache continues to knott up. I am so excited to see who is going to win. But at the same time so affraid of who will win. In talking to my visiting teachers today, we all expressed our gratitude for Heavenly Father and His plan. If we stay strong and do the things which we have promised then his promise will stay strong in our hearts and we will not forget the big picture.

Remember to is our duty as citizen's of the USA.


Sherrie said...

Good job Shanel, what a good example you are setting for Lucy. It's our right and duty to vote!

Jami Hansen said...

I need to still vote. Who do you want me to vote for Shanel. I'm doing it on Tuesday. Big Day!

Shenise said...

i love that they taught the children about voting. i'll have to teach lucy a thing or two about politics before she turns 18.

JoJo and Ralph said...

Shanel. I am just so proud of you for voting. The kids voted at the elementary school here in the Ranches. And Allie voted for Obama and then the kids told her that she voted for the wrong person and that he was going to kill all the white people and she was DEVASTATED. She actually thinks that she carries more voting weight than the electorial college and she apologized to me for an hour for choosing incorrectly.