Friday, May 23, 2008

{aNiMAl HuNGry}

Yes, that's right...{aNiMAl HuNGry}! Lucy talks about animals 90 % of her day. Whenever we leave our house or return she says "HI HORSES" or "GOODNIGHT HORSES." And if I happen to take a different route home...she cries as we are pulling into the garage.
So as we were strollin' down the produce isle at the store yesterday Lucy spotted the {CaRroTS}. We had to get them, and then she thought we were going to drive up to Grandpa & Nana's house to feed the horses. Eric and I decided to take the less expensive drive and find horses in Washington fields. On our way home we ran into Wes and Talia. They invited us in to see what Wes' mom had in her backyard...............a {PoNy} & {GOaT} & {baby BiRds}! What else could Lucy ask for. We heard about it all night long. Then there is {SuKi} my mom's cat....lets not get into that one.


Ashlynn {mamabear} said...

that is really cute

Jami Hansen said...

Tell Lucy that Ziggy use to be your dog & you gave it to Tayden & Cutler. Ask Lucy if she would like Ziggy back? She would love Ziggy, to play w/ every second...Then, she would have an animal right their at the house to visit.

Whitney and Chris said...

Hey girl! Your blog is darling! We definietly need to do lunch! I am back to school for the summer and have class during my lunch breaks on Tues-Thurs so It'd have to be a Monday or Friday. I'll call you this weekend to see if next week works for you. P.S. a new addition is coming to the Weaver house in February!! I just found out that I'm preggors! Whoo hoo!

Shannon said...

Hey Shanel, I just noticed your name on Kori's blog. What a cute family you have. Lucy is adorable.

What a lucky little girl to get to visit the "farm". She must have been in heaven.

Fun to stop by- Shannon (Horton)

Heather said...

Super cute....Troy is the same way about animals. He can even decipher between different kinds of bears....where do the obsessions come from?? We should set them up on an animal play date!!! Haa haa...

Jen and Lance said...

Wow it sure has been a whole for you! I have no clue whats going on in Lucy's and I feel like a horrible aunt. Post something already!

Sally said...

Lucy is a cutie! Thanks for the link for the recipe! I hope to see you guys soon and it sounds like you have been having a lot of fun lately!

Talia Vaughn said...

Hey Shanel
Wes is wondering if you can give us Eric's phone number? You can email it to me if you want or text me. or 862-9385 thanks a bunch.